Multiple Chemical Sensititivity and MCAS Healing

There are individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to various chemicals, this is known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. This condition can greatly impact their daily lives, making it difficult for them to work or find suitable housing. Even spending time with loved ones can be challenging due to severe reactions to fragrances worn by others. Through my practice in Energy Healing Medicine, I can offer a unique and effective treatment for this chronic illness.

Kay Black

Over the past few years, I have successfully helped numerous individuals with healing from both Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). These two conditions are closely related. My healing program has a proven track record of success that has benefitted many people. The program consists of twice daily live zoom sessions for five months, all from the comfort of your own home. This technique is based on the concept of quantum entanglement, which suggests that everything in the universe is connected. As a result, my energy can be transmitted to you through our mutual connection, regardless of physical distance. Our energies intertwine, allowing for the transfer of healing energy medicine no matter how far apart we may be. The results of this practice are truly remarkable and transformative. Below, you can read the accounts of those who I have helped to regain control of their lives.

Recent testimonials

“I will be forever grateful for Kay’s healing work. I’m eating high salicylate foods again - something I haven’t been able to do in almost 4 years. Kay simultaneously resolved my sulfur intolerance. She has been a great support and source of knowledge as I reintroduce foods. My food fear is fading by the day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Kay - you have changed my life!” “Yesterday I tried cooked zucchini, a food I struggled to eat before Kay’s healing work. I’m happy to report that I ate a serving of zucchini with no adverse effects! It’s exciting to be winning back so many foods! Thank you Kay!”
Emily Mueller
“Good Morning! I am writing to give hope to those who are not feeling hope right now. Anyone medical I sought out for help were baffled. No one could help me. I was experiencing great heart palpitations, throat burning and swelling, feeling like my scalp was on fire, very foggy headed, As 2022 began, I was unable to eat more and more foods and my sensitivities and intolerances to smells was greatly increasing. I feel as though I was in survival mode for a good share of 2022, and finding whatever way I could to get through each day. Kay walked me through how to add new foods to my diet, and exactly how and when to eat them. It was all so bizarre to me but at that point, but I was willing to try anything. I slowly but surely got better and better! Kay was in constant communication with me, VERY unlike any medical professional I had sought out, and she was the ONLY one who understood and was offering me any hope. I believe God guided me to Kay. My life is VASTLY different as I come into this New Year. I am smiling and laughing again and that wasn't happening for a good share of last year. I am praying this post gives you some hope! Peace and love to you all”
Jill Dieterle-Phillips
"I am feeling so excited about life! Before Kay's MCS healing I could not go anywhere and reacted to slightest scents. I have since been to the hospital with my mom 3 times and no reaction and met a friend yesterday at a cafe and had some great laughs. I just do not even smell stuff like I used to and if I do I do not react. It is kind of hard to even believe but it is true. My family doesn't have to change all of their clothes when they come into our house. I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time!!! I wish the best to all who are getting the next healing and can't wait to hear your stories."
Anna Rexy
"I have been in the MCS Healing Group 1 & I can honestly say that this is the best I have felt in years. I have been at my Mums for the past week as she has been sick again & have even been able to use her washing machine (with my product) but the laundry door was always the first that I closed when I arrived. My energy levels are increasing heaps as well. I have been walking most days around 10kms & now even starting to jog a little. Thankyou so much for all you do."
Trudi Ellen
"I'm thankful for Kays's healing. I realized I had MCS summer of 2021 but I had to go completely scent-free in December 2021. I had thought all my other issues were hormonal or only god knows what. I was pretty much homebound until about a month ago when Kay did the healing. I was so devastated and thought my life was over! I just couldn't believe how hard it is to have MCS! I couldn't let anyone over or go anywhere because everything made me sick for a week or more at a time. I couldn't even go out side most of the time because someone was always doing laundry. Now I'm pretty much back to normal and have a lot more energy again. I was in a crowded school for THREE HOURS one day and no smells and no reactions, and her school got a new gym floor! I truly believe I am CURED from MCS! A thing people say has no cure! Thanks Kay! I really appreciate your time it took to do these healings. 4 months is a lot and you are very much appreciate it. I cant express my gratitude enough!!!"
Jill Pearson
"I was in the second healing group. I got two months of healing last summer. And in that time, I started to see some improvements in my sensitivities. While out for a walk, I passed somebody mowing their lawn, and I actually enjoyed the smell of the gas fumes. It was such a surprising feeling to enjoy something that used to make me so sick. That very day, I decided to try out a store. I did really well. I was so amazingly giddy and beside myself with joy to be in a store. At that time, I did get a little lightheaded and woozy while walking past the candles, but the rest of the store gave me no reaction at all. I go to that same store all the time now. And once this year‘s healing started back up, I realized that I could walk past the candles without any issue at all. In fact, at one point, I was standing right by an end cap full of them and couldn’t even smell the candles. And towards the very end of this healing, sometimes I would smell a candle and I actually really liked the smell. Because of the healing, I’ve been able to go into the grocery store, where I wasn’t able to in the past. I did fairly well at a doctors appointment, despite the fact that there were a lot of smells. And I found myself stuck in a crowd full of perfume, car exhaust, and weed smoke, and I had absolutely no ill effects at all! And in the last month of healing, I realize that I don’t smell laundry smells when I go for a walk anymore. My routine has not changed, so I’m sure they’re there, and I’m just not even aware of them anymore! But perhaps my favorite thing is that books and paper don’t bother me anymore. And this one is huge! I homeschool my son and not being able to use paper and books has been such an issue. It’s so great to have books back on the table. And my biggest accomplishment to date is walking into Barnes and Noble and Target. I had absolutely no issues at all in Barnes and Noble, they were brewing coffee and it didn’t bother me. Target was very very fragrant! I was really surprised at how perfumey the store smelled. And I had no issue! I also have more energy and less malaise and listlessness, food tastes better (the same stuff I always eat is so much better now), and I believe my heart palpitations have lessened. And I’m not entirely sure how to put this into words. But I feel like my emotions are stronger, especially my positive emotions. I can get so overwhelmed with joy and appreciation for God, this world, and humanity. I can only assume that my sympathetic nervous system has calm down. I am so very grateful to have receive healing from Kay. This is truly a gift from God, I feel so honored to have been through this process."
Janet Sheehan Grbavac
"I’ve been working with energy healer, Kay Black on my food sensitivities (Salicylates) With her healing I’ve be able to add foods back into my diet. I can eat avocado, corn and broccoli again! If you are struggling with any type of food sensitivities, reach out to her today."
Kelly Ryan Jones
"As you know I'm away for a few days at the beach. I noticed pretty quickly that the beach house was a bit stinky and yet I was not reacting. My daughters room smelt of perfume but I didn't notice it at first, and did not react. The tub of Axion dish washer had the lid off in the kitchen and I wasnt smelling it or reacting so I knew something had changed. Last night this is what happened when we went out for dinner. We went to a Thai restaurant, and I noticed the smells immediately, spices, perfume, laundry soap etc etc. We had a couple sat behind and a couple to one side and so it was a mix of fragrances, none of which I reacted to, although I could smell them. Then I noticed a laundry smell that kept wafting under my nose, at first I thought we were near the laundry room but quickly realised it was my linen napkin which I had on my lap, literally under my nose, and I quickly removed it and didnt smell it again or react to it. I made the effort to talk to the people behind to see how I fared, and it went well. This was a nice moment realising that I could speak to other people without reacting. We then walked down the high street and I could smell smoke, perfume, incense, laundry detergent and other smells without reacting. We went into a large store that normally bothers me and I was fine, followed by two small clothes shops, the last stank of palo santo (which they sold) As we entered I had a thin cloth lightweight mask that I decided to put on thinking that might be the best plan as I felt I had already tested myself quite a lot by then and didnt want to push it all in one night. I bought a top from this shop and when I got it home the smell of it made my husband start to sneeze - he's become sensitive to fragrances! I was fine, and washed it this morning. So, thats where I am right now, I think my level of healing is very high, and if your interested I will keep you posted on how things go over the next few days. With regard to the healings that I am doing for people, everyones level will differ from the next person, some will have a high level of healing others medium level, it all depends on how they respond to the energy medicine and of course how severe their MCS is. I feel incredibly blessed today and feel like I've been given a fresh start."
Kay Black

Alternative options for healing MCS. 

Experience Deep Healing from Home with My Online MCS Energy Healing Program

If you’re not currently working and seeking powerful healing for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, my online video-recorded healing program offers a groundbreaking solution—right from the comfort of your home.
Every day, I work live with groups via Zoom, guiding them through transformative energy healing sessions. These sessions, lasting 35 minutes, are recorded and sent to participants who can’t join live, ensuring that everyone benefits from the healing energy.
What makes this different? The energy medicine infused in these recordings remains powerful for two full days, continuing to work long after the session ends. This is a pioneering new energy healing modality, designed to be strong, effective, and deeply restorative.
If you’re ready to experience real healing and relief, this program is here for you.

The recording will work for two full days giving people the option to use it as many times as they would like over the next few days, but in any case,  I will be sending a new video out Monday to Friday. During the healing you will be required to sit comfortably and simply watch the video. What could be easier! You will find the healing strong and should probably start at 20 minutes increasing to 35 as you become accustomed to it. This online healing program is only $55 a month. It is priced to accommodate people with MCS, knowing that they often do not work and therefore cannot afford healing. It works out at around $1 a healing session.

When you sign up for this healing program, you’ll be included in a supportive chat messenger healing group where you can connect with others, share experiences, and find encouragement throughout your healing journey. I will also be available for private messaging at any time, offering guidance and support whenever you need it.
One of the greatest benefits of this program is the ability to heal from the comfort of your own home. You can participate in as many healing sessions as you’d like each day—I recommend at least twice daily, though three times is also beneficial.

Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is incredibly challenging, but this program gives you the opportunity to take control of your healing. I fully expect participants to experience significant healing from three months onward—possibly even sooner—depending on their level of commitment and the severity of their condition.
This healing approach is truly unique— It is truly pioneering, and I believe it has the potential to change lives.

About Kay Black

Throughout the years, I have aided numerous individuals in overcoming their struggles with Food Group Intolerances – Oxalate, Salicylate, Sulfite, Sulfur, Nickel, Nightshades and Histamine and Gluten intolerance, to name but a few – through Energy Healing Medicine. Your journey towards healing these will begin with alternate day half-hour healing, spaced out over six weeks for a total of 20 healings. What makes this approach special is that it is all done remotely; it is distance healing using a recent headshot, where I focus on sending energy directly to your aura – the powerful energetic field surrounding your body. The most essential element of this healing program is the support provided after the healing sessions as I walk you through eating high Salicylate/Histamine/Oxalate foods.

I have gone through the anguish of having almost all of these Food Group Intolerances in the past, including Lactose and Fructose Malabsorption. Fortunately, I was able to heal myself from each one, so I know firsthand how debilitating they can be.

For a long time, I also battled with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, that’s why I can relate to how people feel when dealing with these significant health challenges. However,since finding my path to healing, my life has drastically changed, and the sense of freedom from constantly worrying every time I step out my door is indescribable.

My own personal journey of living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Multiple Food Intolerances makes me unique. My recovery from both is a testament to the power of God through my Healing.
This unique work is groundbreaking and cannot be found elsewhere. If you are interested in learning more and being on the list for healing, please reach out to me for further details.


Are you suffering from Oxalate, Salicylate, or Histamine Intolerance? As an Allergy specialist/Energy Healer, I am skilled in identifying and treating a variety of food group intolerances and IgE allergies. This includes many intolerances like Gluten, Lactose, Oxalate, Salicylate, and Histamine Intolerance. Through my expertise in distance healing, I am able to address and heal these sensitivities by sending energy healing to your energetic body – all from a remote location, eliminating the need for in-person contact.
Please get in touch for pricing details.

Please get in touch for pricing details if you are interested in my MCS/MCAS healing.

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